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Course: Appetizer
Cuisine: American
Yield: 6


  • 3 cups of flour
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 tbsp of instant dry yeast
  • 4 tbsp of margarine
  • 1 large egg optional
  • ½ tbsp vanilla flavour optional
  • ½ cup of warm water
  • Oil for frying just enough to let the dough float.


  • * Mix the flour and yeast together into a bowl. Ensure to sift them first.
  • * Sift other dry ingredients into the bowl and mix thoroughly.
  • * Add margarine and mix.
  • * Mix egg and flavour to form crumbs.
  • * Make a well at the center and start adding warm water gradually until it's soft and pliable.
  • * Transfer to your table, sprinkle some flour and begin to knead to form a dough for about 20-25minutes. (Don't overwork your dough).
  • (It should have become stretchy after 25minutes of kneading).
  • * Form a ball with it, place in a bowl and allow to rise for 40 minutes or until doubled in size.
  • * After it doubles, punch it down and start forming your balls with your dough.
  • (You can use scale to measure so that you have equal sizes).
  • * Place each ball on a separate paper,
  • (This will make it easy for you to drop in oil without deflating the dough).
  • * Allow these to rise to until doubled in size.
  • * Heat your oil until it is just hot enough to cook your dough.
  • (To test for heat, just drop a small dough into the oil, If it floats immediately, your oil is good to go, if it sits back in the oil, it's too cold for your dough).
  • * Pick one dough, using the paper, drop carefully into the oil, you should see just tiny bubbles and not large ones.
  • (Slow fry it, to ensure that it gets well cooked inside).
  • * Flip the dough once it's golden brown.
  • * Place on kitchen towel to remove excess oil, allow to cool
  • (You may desire to fill with jam or any filling of your choice).


  • * Use a round nozzle and a piping bag to fill the jam.
  • * Make a hole, insert the nozzle and squeezed the jam in it