Preserve Your Tomatoes for Winter

A Simple Method to Keep Your Tomatoes Fresh

Got more tomatoes than you can use this summer? Here’s a quick and easy way to preserve them for those colder months when fresh tomatoes aren’t as readily available. This method will keep your tomatoes flavorful and ready to use in your favorite recipes all year round!


  • Fresh tomatoes (about 2.5 kg)
  • Airtight glass jars (sterilized)
  • 2 liters water
  • Vinegar (amount specified in instructions)
  • Salt (amount specified in instructions)
  • Sugar (amount specified in instructions)
  • 3-4 cloves garlic, finely chopped


  1. Prepare the Tomatoes:
  • Select ripe, firm tomatoes and wash them thoroughly. Remove any stems or blemishes.
  1. Prepare the Jars:
  • Sterilize the glass jars by boiling them in water for 10 minutes. Let them dry completely.
  1. Pack the Jars:
  • Pack the tomatoes tightly into the sterilized jars, leaving about 1 inch of headspace at the top.
  1. Add Garlic:
  • Add finely chopped garlic to each jar, adjusting the amount based on your taste preference.
  1. Boil the Water:
  • Bring 2 liters of water to a boil.
  1. Blanch the Tomatoes:
  • Pour the boiling water over the tomatoes in the jars, making sure they are fully submerged. Cover the jars and let them sit for 20 minutes. This process helps to sterilize the tomatoes and jars.
  1. Prepare the Brine:
  • After 20 minutes, drain the water from the jars into a pot. For every 2 liters of water, add:
    • 2 tablespoons of vinegar
    • 2 tablespoons of sugar
    • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • Bring the brine to a boil, ensuring the salt and sugar are fully dissolved.
  1. Seal the Jars:
  • Pour the boiling brine over the tomatoes, covering them completely. Leave a small gap at the top for expansion. Seal the jars tightly with sterilized lids.
  1. Cool and Store:
  • Wrap the sealed jars in a blanket to cool slowly. This gradual cooling process helps prevent the jars from cracking.
  • Once cooled, store the jars in a cool, dark place like a pantry or cellar.
  1. Enjoy:
  • Your preserved tomatoes will be ready to enjoy throughout the winter! They can be used in soups, stews, sauces, and more.

Helpful Tips:

  • Labeling: Label the jars with the date of preservation so you can keep track of their shelf life.
  • Check Seals: Before storing, check that all jars are properly sealed. If a jar is not sealed, refrigerate and use the contents within a few days.
  • Shelf Life: Properly preserved tomatoes can last up to a year when stored in a cool, dark place.


  1. Can I use any type of tomatoes for this method?
    Yes, you can use any type of tomatoes, but firmer varieties work best for preserving.
  2. Do I need to peel the tomatoes?
    Peeling is optional. If you prefer, you can blanch the tomatoes in boiling water for a minute, then immediately place them in ice water to remove the skins easily before packing them in jars.
  3. What if I don’t have glass jars?
    You can use any airtight container suitable for canning, but glass jars are recommended for best results.

Enjoy the taste of summer all year long with these perfectly preserved tomatoes!

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