The Best Tiramisu Crepe Cake

Hi there! It seems like you’ve got a delicious Tiramisu Crepe Cake recipe to share. How can I assist you with it?

That sounds absolutely delightful! Tiramisu Crepe Cake combines the elegance of crepes with the rich flavors of tiramisu, making it a fantastic dessert for special occasions or any time you’re craving a sophisticated treat. If you have any questions or need assistance with this recipe, feel free to ask.

How to Make Tiramisu Crepe Cake

  • Prepare crepes.
  • Combine cream cheese, condensed milk and espresso.
  • Whisk until smooth.
  • Add whipping cream and whisk until fluffy. Set aside enough cream for frosting the outside of the cake.
  • Using a springform pan with plastic wrap on the bottom, start layering your cake alternating between crepe, cream and a dusting of cocoa. Repeat until finished.
  • Let the cake rest for at least 24 hours. Remove from the pan.
  • Frost the cake with the remaining cream.
  • Sprinkle on some cocoa powder. Enjoy!

Tips for Tiramisu Crepe Cake

These are great tips to enhance the crepe-making process and the overall success of the Tiramisu Crepe Cake. Speeding up crepe making with two pans is a time-saving idea, and ensuring smooth cream by following temperature guidelines is essential for a creamy texture. Using a springform pan to maintain the shape and allowing the cake to set for 24 hours for optimal flavor development are excellent pieces of advice. Thanks for sharing these valuable tips!


  • 30 crepes double the recipe
  • 24 oz cream cheese softened at room temperature
  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream very cold
  • 1/3 cup espresso shot
  • 1 cup condensed milk
  • 1/3 cup cocoa powder


Here’s a rephrased version of the Tiramisu Crepe Cake recipe with active voice:

  1. Prepare the crepes following the recipe instructions. An 8-inch size works perfectly for this recipe.
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine the cream cheese, condensed milk, and espresso. Whisk the mixture until it becomes smooth and creamy.
  3. Add the heavy whipping cream and continue to whisk until the cream becomes fluffy. Be attentive during this mixing process as it can develop lumps.
  4. Set aside 2 cups of the cream for frosting the outside of the cake. It’s recommended to refrigerate it in a sealed container.
  5. Use a springform pan as a mold, and place a piece of plastic wrap on the bottom.
  6. Begin layering the cake by starting with a crepe, spreading cream, and then dusting with cocoa powder. Repeat this process until you’ve used up all the cream and crepes.
  7. Allow the cake to rest for at least 24 hours.
  8. Flip the cake with the bottom side up and remove the sides of the springform pan.
  9. Cover the cake with the reserved cream you set aside for frosting.
  10. Sprinkle some cocoa powder on top.
  11. Enjoy your Tiramisu Crepe Cake!

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